Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Furniture Shop

To fill gaps in customer on-site work, furniture is created and repaired at the furniture shop. Furniture of style and strength is created and will be posted for sale on this page as the item becomes available. Customer requested projects are also welcome for build, repair, and refinish.

ps-front view
Built December 2007 in Freeport, MI.
Solid Michigan red and white pine.

Built November 2007 in Freeport, MI.
Michigan Black Cherry Solid and Veneer Lumber.

starburst table  06
This table had been partially stripped with coarse power sanding tools which had cut completely through the thin mahagony veneer on the top of the table. The table has 3 leafs with it to make it a very useful, 8 ft. long table. The customer decided it was worth purchasing a new 4x8 ft. sheet of mahagony veneer to repair the table with. Since the top was to be completely replaced, we decided to do some inlay work to make the table more interesting. A starburst pattern was drawn up on a CAD system and the leaves were designed in such a way that as each leaf was added, more starbursts appeared and matched with each adjoining section of the table. The veneer was applied along with the intricate starbursts, some light sanding was done, no stain was used, and then 3 coats of high gloss polyurethane were applied.
starburst table  07

starburst table  03

starburst table 01

slide out shelves
Slide out shelf conversion for pantry and under counter cabinets.

daybed before
Conversion of antique mid 1800's vintage headboard and footboard into daybed. Footboard was cut in half to use as the armrest on each end. One long side rail was cut to length and used for the front cross piece. A standard crib size mattress will be used for the cushion. Overstuffed pillows are for lounging during the daytime, and young houseguests will sleep overnight within it's ornately carved embrace.

daybed after
Completed daybed framework.

crown 4

45 deg cabinets
Kitchen cabinets in process at Calgary Street spec home.

kitchen cabinets


Hit Counter
Computer Sales


Unknown said...

Spacify is one of the best online Furniture Shops that provides you quality furniture for your home.

Modern-Bedroom-Furniture said...

Metroloft is one of the best of Discount Furniture Store that has a cool and unique modern design for decorating your home